Breeding System

Breeding Overview

Just like real-world creatures, DragonMasters can breed to create new dragons. Players need to have 2 dragons to breed.To avoid hyperinflation, each dragon has a certain times of breeds and uses them once when they breed. The dragon cannot breed any more once the number runs out.


Before talking about the probability of breeding Quality and Dragon, let’s first understand the cost of breeding. Players need to spend DMT and TOTEM when breeding, depending on how many times Dragon breeds.


For each breeding, the player needs to consume 100 DMT.

DMT is an ERC-20 governance token for the Dragon Metaverse, with a total amount of 1 billion.

DMT holders will be able to claim rewards if they stake DMT, play the game and participate in governance votes. The details can be seen in the tokenomics chapter.


Tip: DragonMaster does not sell TOTEM directly to players.

Each dragon has 5 breeding opportunities, and the TOTEM cost of each breeding is different, as shown in the table below. The cost also increases with each breeding opportunity consumed.

The table below shows the total cost of TOTEM consumed by two successfully paired Dragons. For example DragonA (0/5) and DragonB (1/5), the total cost of TOTEM is 1060.

How to get TOTEM:

The total supply of TOTEM is unlimited, the only ways to get it are playing games and completing quests.

Breeding Quality Probability

When it comes to the quality probability of breeding Dragons, it is important to understand the following table:

For example, if you want to breed a level A dragon and choose a level B dragon to pair with it, the quality probability of the dragon baby will be:

Breeding Dragon Probability

For example

Single inheritance breeding: When dragons of different species or sizes are bred, the bred dragon babies will have a 4.51% probability of inheriting the species and size of one of their parents;

Double inheritance breeding: When dragons of the same type and size are bred, the bred dragon babies will have a 9.02% probability of inheriting the type and size of their parents.

Last updated